What comes to your mind when you hear the word intuition?
Probably, you will tell me a presentiment, a sensation that comes to you out of the blue. Why not, a natural impulse that brings a reaction to do, say, know something instantly. There is no reason, no conscience telling you; it is something else. It is more a kind of rare, unconscious suspicion that comes to you out of nowhere in your mind, and you feel it is the right thing, even if you don't know why but you still trust it and go for it.
Let's see if the following is familiar to you: You arrived at a friend's dinner, and one of your friends brings a new friend of his/hers to introduce. You greet each other. After a few minutes, you instantly feel uncomfortable with that person. Although obviously this new person seems like a charming, amicable person. Anyway, no one takes away that feeling that you feel; it just does not feel good with that person around. You feel a twist in your stomach, your neck muscles tighten, the energy you perceive is quite rare, and even though you don't know why, you know you’re right.
If you have felt this, I want you to read this blog because we together can realize that intuition is not about knowing something because it’s obvious, that is common sense. However, common sense could help us to understand and not underestimate the power of intuition.
I don't know about you, but I have always been curious about where this intuition comes from, and furthermore, how do we stimulate, develop it to appear more often in our decision, a situation in life? Well, I just decided to actually use my intuition about this topic and flow with the perception I get when it comes to intuition. It is common to find men and women using their intuition. Also, it is common for some people to get it more often than others. For years psychologists, mathematicians, astrologers, among others, have tried to define and see a reasonable sense of intuition. However, as a human being, I believe we stick to the thought that, for some reason, intuition is a premonition. Yes, it is because we are unconsciously sensing one day maybe more than others everything around us, every move, energy, physical, spiritual sign.
It is common sense to realize some things that are right there in front of our eyes. For instance, when we are stressed we get a pain in the back of our neck. If we are in a rare situation and haven’t rationalized it yet, it is more likely our body could sense this and then unconsciously our intuition makes us react. Using our common sense to help us pay attention to obvious things may lead us to make strategically better decisions and in turn make greater use of our intuition in daily life.
Seeing from this point of view, intuition could develop from the relationship that it can be between our unconscious sensations and the feedback that the world is giving us all the time. In fact, our impulses to react suddenly are the result of that relation, that's the intuition. We could understand that intuition comes to us as a response to some situations that, without the need for some type of reasoning it needs us to act instantly to that presentiment. This could answer my first question of how we get to the intuition.
Now, how do we stimulate, or develop it, huh? If we carefully analyze where the intuition comes from, then we could say that developing or encouraging it comes to a set of practice habits. That been said, we could stimulate intuition from a habit such as:
Listening to our body
Connecting with others
Time with ourselves
Understanding our loneliness
Trusting the presentiment if it feels right
Everything surrounding us is telling us something, so let's close our eyes and listen to it with our ears
Observe everything
That and the list of habits that we should practice will aid in developing and encourage our intuition more strategically. When we think we know something that we don't know, but it feels right, that is our intuition talking. It is interesting how people trust their intuition, even more interesting when we have the tools in our hands to improve and make proper use of, and better understand the logic of our intuition. Tell me, do you believe that intuition exists intrinsically within us? Is the intuition telling us where the path is or just pointing at it?